how my journey began

Ulrik Larsen APA Sports Physiotherapist

Ulrik Larsen
APA Sports Physiotherapist


Viking Sports Physio was founded by highly experienced Australian Sports Physiotherapist Ulrik Larsen, who brings with him 29 years of injury management at elite and social sports levels.

Born in Denmark, it was only natural he would play on his viking roots!

His passion is to help you and your "Fitness Village” to overcome your injuries and keep injury rates as low as possible. Then you can safely and effectively grow your strength and fitness, to better cope with the battles of life.

After years of working with and educating coaches and Personal Trainers, Ulrik realised that one of the main frustrations for Fitness Professionals was dealing with chronic pain and niggling injuries in their clients - there was a clear need for some education to bridge the gap between the medical world and the fitness industry. And so 15 years ago, Rehab Trainer was born!

Individually and as a team, Viking Sports Physio is able to offer unparalleled quality of information about biomechanics, corrective exercise and injury-management to your Fitness Professional and Fitness Village / Gym.

In addition, Ulrik and his team are uniquely able to help you effectively manage your injuries, and gain new levels of strength from your ‘warrior' training at the gym.

what people are saying


Loved it! The best investment in my body by far!!

James in Adelaide

These guys are exceptional therapists, and having been on lots of courses over the years, their knowledge and patience is appreciated.

Wendy in Melbourne


Brilliant bridge over the gap between the medical and fitness industries. Rehab leading into Strengthening seamlessly!.

Daniel in Brisbane

Really enjoyed the online course! Just thought I would let you know. Using the skills frequently with clients with niggling pain and discomfort.

Dom in the UK


Thank you from all my clients who you saw on a one-on-one basis at my Gym in Mumbai who feel like they have made a big leap with gaining pain-free movement and strength! You made rehab and training a lot of fun as well, with your sense of humour, your patience and your simplification of very complicated things.

Freya in Mumbai India

This is probably the best course I have attended, partly cause its very relevant to me. As an endurance athlete training 9-13 hours week, the likelihood of injury is high. Hence prevention of injury with these muscle imbalance exercises are critical.
Very well conducted.

Sarah in Hong Kong

recovery comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

contact me

We can help you overcome serious restrictions in your body and promote you in the way to achieve a new focus on your health and well-being.