rehab trainer



world class

Rehab Trainer is a world-class educational company that has specialised for 15 years in up-skilling and educating Fitness Professionals, Personal Trainers and Exercise Physiologists from around the world. It offers seven (7) internationally accredited face-to-face or online courses. The Rehab Trainer courses cater for beginner-Personal Trainers, through to advanced Physiotherapy-level courses that range from 1 day to 2 months in duration.


specialist educators

The Rehab Trainer courses are taught by highly experienced Sports Physiotherapists and elite level Functional Training Specialists, who have a real passion for reducing Injury rates in the Personal Trainer industry. In between working with clients in clinic and gym, they love educating and working with Fitness Professionals to get the best possible outcomes for you and your body.


master rehab trainers

Like to learn more about Rehab Trainer? … or you might be keen to find out if you have any Master Rehab Trainers working in your region?


chronic pain

After years of working with coaches and Personal Trainers, Ulrik realised that one of the main frustrations for Fitness Professionals was dealing with chronic pain and niggling injuries in their clients. Whether it is the re-emergence of an old football injury or the sudden onset of pain while doing a particular exercise, if not dealt with effectively, clients ended up dropping out, creating a hole in the Trainer’s diary and disillusionment for the client.


bridge the gap

Ulrik recognised the need for high-level education and a new skill-set to help bridge the gap between the medical world and the fitness industry, and so Rehab Trainer was born. 

Rehab Trainer Founder and Educator
APA Sports Physiotherapist